Thursday, 15 November 2012

From culinary disaster to artistic triumph

Watercolour painter Julia Loken says: "I painted this purple artichoke after I had tried a new recipe, which involved cutting the artichokes in half vertically, and then baking them in the oven with olive oil and garlic.

"Unfortunately, the result was a complete disaster, as they were so tough that they were completely inedible!

"But I was struck by the beautiful shape and colours of the artichokes as I was cutting them, something that you never see when you eat them leaf by leaf in the usual way. So the next day I bought some more, brushed the cut edges with lemon juice to stop them going brown, and got busy with my pencil and paints. This is the result!"

This painting and many others by Julia will be on show at Myrtle Cottage, Tanners Lane, Eynsham next weekend.